The world is at a juncture, and we need to rethink our approach, cautions writer and journalist Nadia Michel. Geopolitics are shifting, and technology has advanced more since the pandemic than over the last 15 years. While we continue to make advancements, knowing where to go from here can be difficult. There are so many successful entrepreneurs making a difference, but how do they do it, and what can we learn from them?
Michel explores and aims to answer these questions in 40 Lessons: What the New Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us About Technology, Geopolitics & the Coming Reformation. The book offers essential wisdom from modern-day pioneers, from farmers who breed insects to engineers who procure water from thin air. The stories and anecdotes laid out across 40 chapters present lessons both big and small, personal and general.
“40 Lessons is about common sense: to counter the madness of social media and click-bait content, I examine the success stories of 40 entrepreneurs and CEOs and identify key mindsets that will help you thrive in these challenging times,” Michel said.
Readers can expect to learn something different in each chapter and gain wisdom and inspiration from each entrepreneur’s success story and advice.
40 Lessons is an important read for entrepreneurs and professionals who want to achieve more by learning more. Having worked with all kinds of people across various cultures, Michel shares a unique set of tools for success and personal growth with her readers.