Following a competitive tender, the Office of the Revenue Commissioners, the Irish Government agency responsible for customs, excise, taxation and related matters, has awarded a contract to Smurfit Kappa Security Concepts (SKSC) for the supply of tobacco tax stamps.
Under the terms of the deal, SKSC will be responsible for the printing and supply of the tax stamps to be applied to specified tobacco products for the Irish market to help ensure that the products are legitimate, and duty paid.
Each stamp protects a significant amount of revenue to the Irish Government and therefore to combat fraud and ensure revenue is protected, SKSC has designed the stamps to contain numerous cutting edge security features, some of which are SKSC exclusive developments.
Peter Thomas, Managing Director at SKSC, said: “The fact that we have held this prestigious contract for over 20 years is testament to our bespoke, dynamic and innovative solutions, that are designed to make the world a safer place, helping to protect against criminal elements. We keep up to date with the latest fraud and counterfeit trends, designing products to combat future attacks and address the ever-improving technological techniques used by ‘bad actors’.”